Connecting StatusGator to Google Chat
StatusGator can send notifications to your Google Chat room (called a Space) whenever your services' statuses change. Connect your StatusGator Board to Google Chat using Google Chat's incoming webhook capability.
Note: for this initial implementation of our Google Chat integration, your Google Chat will need to have Webhooks enabled across all organization units. Ensure your Google Admin has "Allow users to add and use incoming webhooks" set to On. Google has a tutorial on how. (If you don't have this setting enabled and cannot, please let us know. We're working on an improved integration in the Google Chat app store which will not require webhooks.)
Here's how to add StatusGator's Google Chat integration:
1. Go to Google Chat. Click on your space name and select Apps & Integrations.
2. Select Add webhooks.
3. In the pop-up, enter the name of your Webhook and you can optionally enter an avatar URL to add an image to your webhook. Hit Save.
For the Avatar URL, you can copy and paste this URL:
4. You'll notice a new Webhook created. Click on the 3 dots and copy link.
5. Go to the Integrations page on StatusGator and click on the Add button next to Google Chat.
6. Enter the Webhook URL and hit Save.
You can test integration
1. Click on Test integration in the upper right corner. Select the monitor you want to test, then click Send test.
2. Go to your Google chat space, and check the notification.